OWBS is back (more on that later), but we begin our week with a retrospective of those important people animals we lost this year.
Beloved service dog to Gulf War veteran Allen Parton
World’s Most Distinguished Service Dog
Pet of Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling
Briefly Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office
Removal rumored to have fueled Gordon Brown’s decline in polls
India the Cat
First Cat During Bush Administration
Name said to have fueled poor Indio-American Relations
Working on anti-Ms. Beazley bio at time of death
Gidget the Taco Bell Dog
Most offensive mascot since Frito Bandito
Rumoured to have caused hundreds of unexplained homocides in late 90′s
And last but certainly not least
Socks the Cat
No simple summary will suffice
Requiescant in pace